
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Plumeria Plants & Soil pH

Welcome All Plumeria & Tropical Plant Lovers,

Today I would like to discuss the subject Plumeria
Plants and Soil pH.

Soil acidity or alkalinity affect plant growth by
influencing the chemical availability of nutrients in
the soil for uptake by the plants. The measure of
acidity or alkalinity, expressed as a number, is
called pH

Plant roots absorb mineral nutrients such as 
Nitrogen and Iron when they are dissolved in water.
If the soil solution (the mixture of water and nutrients
in the soil) is too acid or too alkaline, some nutrients
are not available for uptake.
A pH of 7 means that the soil is neutral.
If the pH is below 7, the soil is acidic.
If the pH is above 7 the soil is alkaline.

Most nutrients that plants need are readily available
if the pH is between 6.0 and 7.5.

When the pH is below 6.0, some nutrients such as 
Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium are less 
available to the plant.

When the pH exceeds 7.5, Iron and Manganese are
less available.

Plumeria plants do well when the pH is between
6.0 to 6.7 which means slightly acidic. 

I even read where other authors have suggested a 
pH range as low as 5.0 to 6.0. 

Everyone seems to agree that plumerias grow best in
a slightly acidic soil. 
So how does a gardener measure the pH level
in the soil or potting medium?

Most garden centers carry pH meters
This pH meter with a probe will measure
the pH level of your soil/potting mix for you. 
Next, I'm including one picture of a plumeria cutting
with three branches which was planted unrooted using
the Egg Method

Since March 19, 2011 when the cutting was planted,
it has fully rooted and produced one inflorescence on
each of the three branches.

The major significance of this is THAT BOTH THE ROOTS

Prior to the use of this new Egg Method, it was believed
that the plumeria cutting was incapable of growing the root
system and inflorescence at the same time. 

Developing inflos on a rooting cutting use all the plant's energy,
thus depriving the cutting of energy needed for root
development. In order to save the cutting by focusing the
energy back to the root system, the only suggested solution
was to remove the inflorescence....and cut it off. 

When the Egg Method is applied CORRECTLY, the
inflos on rooting cuttings don't have to be sacrificed. 
The cuttings now can develop roots and inflos at the same time.

       Plumeria cutting rooted & developed inflos at the SAME TIME.

Lastly, I would like to remind you of our "Mother's Day Sale".
From now until Mother's Day on May 8, 2011, 11:59pm PDT
is offered at an EXTRA $5 OFF.   IT MAKES A GREAT GIFT!

Plumerias are like our Mothers in so many ways.
They are beautiful.  They are sensitive.
Each one is unique. Each one is special.
They bring joy and delight into our lives.
We love them with all our hearts.

Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers,
Alles Gute zum Muttertag für Alle Mütter,
Bonne fête des mères à toutes les mères,
Felice Festa della Mamma a tutte le mamme,
Madre Feliz Día a todas las madres,
Feliz Dia das Mães para todas as mães, 


Bob Walsh