
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Plumeria Plants And Plumeria Cuttings Producing Inflorescences

Welcome All Plumeria & Tropical Plant Lovers,

I would like to discuss the term inflorescence 
and inflorescences on plumeria plants today.

An inflorescence can be defined as a cluster of
flowers which are arranged on a stem.

This stem can be composed of one main branch or
it can be a main branch with side branches as you
can see on the picture below.  The picture shows one
plumeria inflorescence consisting of a main branch
and several side branches. 

This picture was taken on April 28, 2011. 

Plumeria plants produce their inflorescences
at the end of their branches. 

After the "inflo", short for inflorescence, has
started to develop, new branches start to form
at the base of the inflo (see picture below).
The pointed reddish tip protrusions from the
base below the inflo are the new branches. 

Anywhere from two to seven or more side 
branches can be produced. This is the
regular cycle for plumeria plants.

It should be noted that plumeria plants can
produce an inflo and have continued growth
without branching. That is why plumeria
plants are so exciting to grow because each
plant has its own unique growth cycle. 

Later in the growth cycle the very same 
plumeria plant produces another inflo and
starts the branching process.

The side branches are symmetrical and 
produce well balanced plants.

The following picture shows another developing
inflo. This time you can see the developing
branches at the base of the inflo.

When it comes to plumeria cuttings that produce
inflos, it should be noted that all the energy of
the cutting goes into the development of the inflo. 

Any roots being formed at the same time will suffer
due to the lack of available energy, which has all
been redirected to the inflo.  In this case, one
needs to remove the inflo in order to save the 
cutting so all the energy will be redirected to the 
development of the root system. 

Last Fall, a friend of mine, Mimi Palmer, who is 
passionate about growing tropical plants, applied a new
rooting method to plumerias with phenomenal results.

This was the very first time this rooting method
was applied to plumerias after having heard
success stories with other plants and vegetables.

When I gave this rooting method a try, I was
amazed and mesmerized by the phenomenal
results now with my own plumerias right here in
zone 5 before my very own eyes.

Not only did my plumeria cuttings form roots in
record time....even over the fall and winter months
when plumerias are believed to go into dormancy,
but much to my surprise based on what is written
above.... they produced inflos and roots at the
same time!

This new rooting method, through my experience,
supplies the needed energy directly to the developing
root system to form strong and healthy roots
while allowing the cutting to grow the inflo at the
same time.

The following picture is of one cutting of
Plumeria 'Celadine'.

This cutting was planted on March 19, 2011
and produced its inflo and roots AT THE SAME
TIME after this new rooting method was applied.
The picture below was taken on April 30, 2011.
It took exactly 6 weeks to the day for the cutting
to root fully and develop its inflo with its first
opening flower

Lastly, I would like to remind you that today
May 1, 2011 is the last day to get
at an Extra $5 OFF.

Happy Growing to all my Gardening Friends,

Bob Walsh