
Friday, October 11, 2013

Tropical Plants - How to Care for Hibiscus Plants

Most of us are familiar with hibiscus flowers that range in colors from red, yellow, pink, blue, and everything in between. The flowers are quite large ranging in size from two to ten inches compared to other tropical plants.

The Hibiscus, in all colors and varieties, was the State Flower of Hawaii until the 1920s. It was not until 1988 that the yellow Hibiscus, Hibiscus brackenridgei, which is native to Hawaii, was officially adopted as the State Flower of Hawaii.

Visitors to the Hawaiian Islands think that all the beautiful hibiscus flowers which they observe on the Islands are native to Hawaii. But this is not the case.

Chinese Hibiscus, also called Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, is the hibiscus plant most commonly grown as an ornamental plant on the Islands.
This is the one so often associated with Hawaiian flowers. 
In addition to the yellow Hibiscus, following is a list of hibiscus plants native to the Hawaiian Islands....
  • Hibiscus arnottianus produces white flowers. Hibiscus arnottianus is closely related to Hibiscus waimeae. Both produce fragrant flowers, which is a unique characteristic of hibiscus flowers.
  • Hibiscus brackenridgei produces showy, bright yellow flowers. This yellow hibiscus can grow to be over 30 feet in height which is tall for the hibiscus family. Hibiscus brackenridgei is closely related to Hibiscus divaricatus.
  • Hibiscus clayi is a small tree found in its natural habitat on the Island of Kauai. It produces bright red flowers.
  • Hibiscus furcellatus, a pink flowered hibiscus plant, is found in the Caribbean, Central and South America, and on Hawaii. On Hawaiian Islands it is known as akiohala, hau hele, and hau hele wai.
  • Hibiscus kokio can grow up to 20 feet or more with red and orange flowers.
  • Hibiscus tiliaceus, common to the tropics, may be native to Hawaii or was brought to Hawaii by early Polynesians.
  • Hibiscus waimeae grows up to 30 feet tall producing white flowers.
Hibiscus plants we grow on the mainland produce gorgeous flowers.

Hibiscus hybrids include....
  • 'All Glow'
  • 'Black Beauty'
  • 'Bon Temps'
  • 'Cajun Blue'
  • 'Kona'
  • 'Norman Lee'
  • 'Peggy Hendri', and many more.
Hibiscus plants can be grown in the ground year round in plant hardiness zones 9 and 10. When brought home from the nursery the hibiscus plant should be placed in a partial sunny area and gradually moved to sunnier exposures until it's exposed to full sun.
It is essential for hibiscus plants to have a very well draining soil. Otherwise the roots may rot.
Do not to use any fertilizer high in nitrogen when fertilizing. This results in lots of vegetation growth, but hardly any flowers. Your plants will benefit tremendously from regular foliar feeding. It is important to spray both sides of the leaves. It is also very helpful to add a surfactant or a few drops of liquid dish soap, which acts as a surfactant, to your spraying solution.

When your hibiscus plant grows out of shape, it can be pruned to the desired shape. You need to be careful that all danger of frost has passed.
New growth can be easily damaged by late frost.
Unfortunately, insects like to feast on hibiscus leaves. These insects include aphids, mealy bugs, scales, thrips, and whiteflies. If this is the case a good spraying with insecticidal soap a few times or one application of a systemic insecticide should take care of the problem.
Grown indoors, hibiscus likes sunny windows or be put under grow lights.
Hibiscus is just one of many tropical plants that reward you with colorful flowers all year long when you give them the proper care they need.
Copyright © Bob Walsh  

Sunday, September 22, 2013

How To Grow Herbs - Papalo

Papalo, Porophyllum ruderale, belongs to the family of Compositae and is considered tropical annual.

Other names for Papalo include ....

  • Papaloquelite
  • Ruda de Gallina
  • Gallenzaza
  • Mexikanischer Koriander

Papalo is native to Mexico, Central and South America.

It can grow up to 6 feet in ideal growing conditions, but growth can be restricted when grown in pots.

It forms branches along the main stem producing green leaves with a hint of blue. Attractive purple brownish flowers are produced at the end of the branches.

The leaves are one to two inches long, oval in shape and contain oil glands which give this herb its strong flavor and scent which seems to get stronger as the leaves age.

The oil glands can be seen as small dents or holes on the leaf's surface. 

Papalo leaf showing oil glands

The flavor of the leaves can be best described as a combination of parsley with a hint of arugula, cilantro and citrus.

How To Grow Herbs - Papalo
Papalo seedlings

How to Grow Papalo as an Herb ....

  • Seeds may be sown directly in the ground.
  • Seeds may also be planted indoors for earlier harvest.
  • Grow in well draining soil watering regularly.
  • Space the plants around 1 to 1 1/2 feet apart.
  • Prefers full to partial sun locations.

Papalo is always consumed fresh and gives salads and sandwiches a distinct taste.

In Mexico it is used in soups, stews, grilled meats and salads where it is added to the food just before serving. It is also an important ingredient in popular sandwiches in Mexico, such as the Cemitas, named for the type of bread that it is made with originating in Puebla, Mexico, containing a variety of meats and cheeses.

Papalo's healthly properties include lowering high blood pressure and it is used to treat liver ailments in some parts of the world.

Another benefit of papalo is that it is said to repel insects.

Copyright © Bob Walsh 2013 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

History of Plumeria Frangipani Plants

Plumerias are indigenious to the Caribbean, Mexico and Central America. The very first known description of the plumeria is found in the Badianus Manuscript in 1522.

The Badianus Manuscript is a sixteenth century Aztec herbal medicine book written in both the Aztec language and Latin by Martin Cruz and Juannes Badianus, both Aztec Indians, educated at the College of Santa Cruz at Tlaltelco Mexico City. The text is accompanied by beautifully colored illustrations of the herbs and trees found in this complete herbal medicine book. 

Badianus Manuscript
Badianus Manuscript

Don Francisco de Mendoza, whose name is historically associated with the Badianus Manuscript, was the second son of the first Viceroy of New Spain, Antonio de Mendoza. Don Francisco de Mendoza sent the Badianus Manuscript back to Spain as a gift to King Charles V.

Through history and individuals connected to the Vatican the Badianus Manuscript ended up hidden in the Vatican Library. It was re-discovered there in 1929 by historian Professor Charles Clark. In 1991 Pope John Paul II returned it to Mexico. It is now in the Institute of Anthropology and History in Mexico City.

Plumeria, originally spelled 'Plumieria', is named after the famous French Franciscan monk and botanist, Charles Plumier. He is considered one of the most important botanical explorers of his time.

He made three trips to the Caribbean during the period of 1689 to 1697. Upon his return from the first trip in 1690, he received the title of “Royal Botanist” from King Louis XIV of France.

All natural scientists of his day spoke of him with great admiration. His well known French botanist and teacher, Joseph Pitton De Tournefort, who also traveled to the New World with his student, and Carl Linnaeus, the Swedish botanist, physician and zoologist, recognized his work and they named in Charles Plumier's honor the genus Plumeria which belongs to the family Apocynaceae. Since then it has been called “Plumeria” with the name of Plumeroideae, for its first subfamily.

Today all his texts, notes and drawings are located in the Central Library of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, France.

Dr. William Hillebrand, a German physician and botanist, who was born in Neiheim, Germany in 1821, lived on Hawaii from 1851 to 1871, and died in Heidelberg, Germany, in 1886. He is known as the person who brought the first plumeria to Hawaii around 1860. Today this plumeria is known worldwide as 'Celadine'.

Plumeria 'Celadine'
Plumeria 'Celadine'

Dr. Hillebrand had a strong presence and made significant contributions to the Hawaiian people during his twenty year stay there. He became the appointed physician to the royal family at The Queen's Hospital, now the present day Queen's Medical Center. He, along with nine other doctors, petitioned for and was granted a charter for today's Hawai'i Medical Association and he served as the chief physician at the hospital from 1860 to 1871.

In 1853 Dr. Hillebrand purchased 13 acres of land from Queen Kalama and over the years he planted a number of exotic and native trees in his garden. Some were brought back from his travels on behalf of the Hawaiian Government to collect and import plants and animals that would be useful to the Islands.

Prior to his return to Germany Dr. Hillebrand sold the property and developed garden to Captain Thomas and Mary Foster. Years later Mary Foster bequeathed the land to the city of Honolulu, which opened it to the public as Forster Botanical Garden in 1930. Local Hawaiians and visitors from all over the world continue to visit these beautiful gardens today.

In the 1930s the first cutting of Plumeria obtusa was brought to Hawaii by Harold L. Lyon from the famous Singapore Botanical Gardens, noted for their long history of plant research and study throughout Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

Today this evergreen variety is known as Plumeria obtusa 'Singapore'.

Plumeria obtusa 'Singapore'
Plumeria obtusa 'Singapore'

Mr. Lyon was the founder and director of the Manoa Arboretum which was established in 1918 by the Hawaiian Sugar Planter's Association, HSPA, to demonstrate watershed restoration and test various tree species for reforestation, as well as collect living plants of economic value. This unique rainforest arboretum bears his name, Harold L. Lyon Arboretum, today.

Bill M. Moragne Sr. was the first to discover how to hand-pollinate plumerias in 1953. Since then countless hybrids of spectacular beauty with intoxicating fragrances have been created by the process of hand-pollination thanks to Bill M. Moragne Sr.

Unlike Mexico, the Caribbean island nations and the Central American countries, the native habitat of the plumeria, Hawaii has made itself synonymous with the plumeria by commercializing it.

Even though the plumeria is not native to the Hawaiian Islands most of the world travelers to these Islands have lasting memories of receiving a lei made up of these beautifully scented tropical flowers on their arrival or departure.

The Hawaiian Islands is the number one place in the world that people associate with the word ‘plumeria'. Hawaii’s commercialization of the plumeria goes far beyond the famous Hawaiian leis. It also includes the sale of plumeria seeds, seedlings, rooted and unrooted cuttings, fresh flowers and freshly handmade leis. Other plumeria related products include perfumes, scented candles, plumeria designed jewelry and clothing, prints, photos and cards.

Thanks to the Hawaiian Islands people from all around the world have fallen in love with the Plumeria, which they first met there.

Copyright © Bob Walsh 2013

Monday, July 8, 2013

Erste Frangipani – Plumeria Pflegeanleitung in Deutsch

Nach Monaten minutiöser Arbeit und der Hilfe von guten Freunden hat Herr Bob Walsh die Übersetzung der Pflegeanleitung vom Englisch ins Deutsche vervollständigt. Herr Bob Walsh verkündet mit Begeisterung die Veröffentlichung von Plumeria – Frangipani Pflegeratgeber Für Alle Klimazonen.

Plumeria Pflege

Diese Pflegeanleitung gibt Gärtnern in Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und anderen Ländern in Europa und weltweit die Gelegenheit diese beliebte und leicht zu verfolgende Pflegeanleitung in ihrer Muttersprache zu lesen.

Die Bewohner von Deutschland und anderen europäischen Ländern sind seit langer Zeit für ihre Liebe für Blumen bekannt. Seit Jahrhunderten haben Gärtner in Europa ihre Häuser, Balkone und Terrassen mit malerischen Balkonkästen, die mit farbenreichen Blumen gefüllt sind, geschmückt. Bilder von diesen Blumen sieht man in Reisemagazinen, die europäische Touren und Reiserouten anbieten. 

Plumeria 'Kauka Wilder'

Einer der bekanntesten Gärten, der eines der sieben Weltwunder wurde, war König Nebukadnezar's Hängende Gärten von Babylon um 600 v. Chr. Assyrer, Babylonier und Perser hatten einen ausgezeichneten Ruf für ihre Gärten. Die Pflanzen, Blumen und Gartenideen hatten ihren Weg durch Handelswege und Eroberungen nach Europa gefunden.

Von den Griechen im Altertum zur Zeit Alexander des Großen und seinen Feldzügen und später im römischen Reich um 300 – 200 v. Chr. , hatten Pflanzen, Blumen und Gärten die Aufmerksamkeit dieser frühen Europäer erregt. Die Gärten der Spanischen Treppe in Rom können bis ungefähr 100 v. Chr. zurückverfolgt werden. Die reichsten Leute im Römischen Reich waren sehr stolz darauf, große und wunderschöne Gärten in Rom und im ganzen Reich zu gestalten.

Diese Gartenideen von Pflanzen und Blumen hatten sich im Römischen Reich verbreitet während es sich in Europa ausdehnte. Mehr Begeisterung für Gärten entwickelte sich durch die Einführung von neuen Pflanzen, die von der Neuen Welt, dem Südpazifik und dem Fernen Osten Im Zeitalter der Entdeckungen nach Europa importiert wurden.

Plumeria 'Samoan Fluff'

Das heutige Zeitalter der Entdeckungen, von der letzten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts bis zur heutigen Gegenwart des 21. Jahrhunderts, hat mit internationalem Luftverkehr wieder einen Einfluss auf die Gestaltung von Gärten, Pflanzen und Blumen in Europa hervorgerufen. Deutsch sprechende Weltreisende haben persönlich Frangipani, Plumeria, Pflanzen und Blüten auf ihren Reisen in tropische und subtropische Gebiete entdeckt. Sie haben sich in diese Pflanzen, so wie viele Gärtner weltweit, sofort verliebt.

Bob Walsh's Original-Buch, How To Grow Plumeria – Frangipani Anytime Anywhere!, hat neue Wege gezeigt und alte Stereotypen gebrochen. Es war das erste dokumentierte Plumeria Buch, das von einem Gärtner geschrieben wurde, der Frangipani, Plumerias, in einer gemäßigten Klimazone zieht, und nicht in tropischen und subtropischen Klimazonen, wie Richard und Mary Helen Eggenberger in Indien, Jim Little auf Hawaii und Elizabeth Thornton in Texas, die gut bekannte Autoren von Plumeria Büchern sind.

Bob Walsh ist jetzt in der Lage viele Fragen, die Frangipani Gärtner in Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und den meisten Ländern in Europa haben, zu beantworten. Dies ist dank der Veröffentlichung der deutschen Übersetzung, Plumeria – Frangipani Pflegeanleitung Für Alle Klimazonen, seines weltbekannten Plumeria Buches, möglich. Die Fragen über Plumeria Pflege, die in gemäßigten Klimazonen auftreten, unterscheiden sich wesentlich von Fragen die in tropischen und subtropischen Klimazonen auftreten.

Frangipani Pflege

Jetzt ist die deutschsprachige Bevölkerung weltweit in der Lage den Anweisungen in dieser Schritt-für-Schritt Pflegeanleitung in ihrer Muttersprache zu folgen.

Bob Walsh, der in Chicago, Klimazone 5, lebt, erklärt Frangipani Gärtnern alles, was sie wissen müssen, um diese wunderschönen tropischen Pflanzen erfolgreich in gemäßigten Klimazonen weltweit, von Alaska bis Auckland, Neuseeland, einschließlich Hamburg, Innsbruck und Zürich zu ziehen.

Diese sehr informative Pflegeanleitung erklärt auch ausführlich, wie man Plumerias erfolgreich unter Pflanzenlichtern während der kälteren Zeit des Jahres zieht, nachdem diese vom Garten, dem Balkon oder der Terrasse für die kälteren Monate des Jahres in das Haus oder die Wohnung gebracht wurden. Das bricht den alten traditionellen Glauben, dass die Vegetationsperiode für Plumerias im Frühling beginnt und im Herbst endet.

Frangipani während der kälteren Monate des Jahres im Haus oder in der Wohnung zu ziehen ist ein großartiges Rezept um die Winterdepression zu vermeiden. Es ist sehr spannend zu beobachten wie sich Knospen entwickeln und sich dann schließlich als wunderschöne, duftendende Blüten öffnen.

Owohl 'Plumeria – Frangipani Pflegeratgeber Für Alle Klimazonen' sich auf Frangipani, Plumerias, konzentriert, können die Pflegeanleitungen auch erfolgreich an anderen Pflanzen, wie tropische Pflanzen, Jährlinge und mehr, angewandt werden. 

Plumeria 'Kimo'

Die Veröffentlichung von 'Plumeria – Frangipani Pflegeratgeber Für Alle Klimazonen' erfolgt während der 8. Internationalen Gartenschau in Hamburg, Deutschland. Diese Gartenschau mit dem Motto 'Um die Welt in 80 Gärten' öffnete am 26. April, 2013 ihre Pforten und läuft bis zum 13. Oktober 2013.

Dieses 'Um die Welt Motto' reflektiert auch den Zweck dieser Frangipani, Plumeria, Pflegeanleitung und die Verkäufe der englischen Ausgabe, die weltweite Aufmerksamkeit erregt hat, und die nun auch auf die deutschsprechende Bevölkerung weltweit ausgedehnt wurde.

Mehr und mehr Gärtner verlieben sich in diese tropischen Pflanzen und Blüten.
Diese Pflegeanleitung ist das richtige und praktische Nachschlagewerk für Gärtner und sollte in jeder Gartenbibliothek vorhanden sein, ungeachtet ob Sie Englisch oder Deutsch sprechen.

Copyright © Bob Walsh

Saturday, July 6, 2013

First Frangipani - Plumeria Care Book In German

After months of very tedious work of translating this book from English to German, Bob Walsh with help from a small circle of close friends completed this project. Bob Walsh very excitedly announces the release of Plumeria - Frangipani Pflegeratgeber Für Alle Klimazonen.

The book gives German speaking plumeria loving gardeners in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other countries throughout Europe and around the world the  opportunity to read and enjoy this popular easy to follow step-by-step plumeria care guide in their mother tongue. 

Germans and Europeans have long been known for their gardening and love of flowers. For centuries gardeners throughout Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other parts of Europe have decorated their homes each year with picturesque window boxes filled with colorful flowers. These pictures fill the pages of travel magazines that offer European tours and travel itineraries.  

Plumeria 'Kauka Wilder'

One of the first world known gardens that became one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World was King Nebuchadnezzar’s Hanging Gardens of Babylon around 600 B.C.  Assyrians, Babylonians and Persians all had good reputations for gardening.  Plants, flowers and gardening ideas made their way into Europe through trade routes and conquests. 

From the ancient Greeks at the time of Alexander the Great and his military campaigns, and later in the Roman Empire beginning as early as 300 – 200 B.C. plants, flowers, and gardens caught the attention of these early Europeans. The gardens near the Spanish Steps in Rome date back to around 100 B.C. The wealthiest of the Roman Empire took great pride in creating the largest and most beautiful gardens in Rome and throughout the Empire.

As the Roman Empire spread over Europe these gardening ideas of plants and flowers went with them. In the Age of Discovery in the 1600s more enthusiasm and excitement for gardening came from the introduction of new plants that were brought back from the New World, the South Pacific and Far East.  

Today’s Age of Discovery from the latter half of the 20th century through the present 21st  century with international air travel has once again made an impact with gardening, plants and flowers throughout Europe. German speaking world travelers from Europe have personally discovered and encountered frangipani, plumeria plants and flowers on their trips to tropical and subtropical regions of the world.  Like many others gardeners in the world, they, too, have fallen in love with them.

Plumeria 'Samoan Fluff'

Bob Walsh’s original book, How to Grow Plumeria - Frangipani Anytime Anywhere!, broke new ground and old stereotypes.  It was the first documented book written by a plumeria gardener who lived and gardened in a temperate growing zone, and not in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, such as Richard and Mary Helen Eggenberger in India, Jim Little on Hawaii and Elizabeth Thornton in Texas, who are well known authors in the plumeria world.

Bob Walsh is now able to explain and discuss in German the many issues of growing frangipani, plumerias, in the temperate zones of the world, such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland and most of Europe in his newest translated book, Plumeria – Frangipani Pflegeratgeber Für Alle Klimazonen. These issues are very different from the issues that plumeria gardeners face who grow these very beautiful plants and flowers in their natural habitat of the tropics.

Now German speaking gardeners can read for themselves, in their mother tongue, this easy to follow step by step frangipani, Plumeria Care guide that breaks the old traditional belief that plumerias cannot be grown outside the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. 

Living in Chicago, growing zone 5, Bob Walsh outlines everything a plumeria gardener needs to be successful in growing frangipani, plumerias in temperate zones around the world from Alaska to Auckland, New Zealand, including Hamburg, Innsbruck and Zurich. 

Bob Walsh’s very informative plumeria care, guide also teaches his European counterparts how to grow frangipani, plumerias indoors and year round breaking the old belief that the plumeria growing season begins in Spring and ends in the Fall every year. Growing frangipani indoors through the coldest months of the year is a great way to avoid the winter blues and extremely exciting to see a newly grown bud opening up into a beautiful plumeria flower in January and February. 

Plumeria – Frangipani Pflegeratgeber Für Alle Klimazonen is easy to read and follow.  Even though the book’s focus is on growing Frangipani, plumerias, the information found in this book can be easily applied to many other plants.

The release of 'Plumeria – Frangipani Pflegeratgeber Für Alle Klimazonen'  coincides with the ongoing 8th Annual International Garden Show Hamburg which opened on April 26, 2013 and runs through October 13, 2013 with their motto, Around the World in 80 Gardens. This “Around the World” theme also reflects the purpose of this plumeria care guide and the sales of the English version which has already gained worldwide attention and is now extended to the German speaking world.  With more and more gardeners finding and falling in love with these tropical plants and flowers this is the exact practical reference guide they want to have in their gardening library whether they speak English or German.

Copyright © Bob Walsh 2013 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Plumeria Flowers - Plumeria 'Bob Walsh'

Plumeria 'Bob Walsh'Bob Fisher, who has been growing plumerias for the past fifteen years, decided to name one of his hand-pollinated plumeria seedlings Plumeria ‘Bob Walsh’ in honor of Bob Walsh, author of How To Grow Plumeria – Frangipani Anytime Anywhere!.

After years of collecting and growing plumerias from cuttings Bob Fisher broadened his plumeria world by starting to hybridize plumerias with his own method using pine needles which has shown to be quite successful for creating magnificent plumeria hybrids. 

In all his hand-pollinations he has used Mr. Bill Moragne’s Plumeria ‘Jeannie Moragne’ as one of the parent plants.  He has successfully crossed ‘Jeannie Moragne’ with Plumeria ‘Englewood’, ‘Aztec Gold’, ‘Fisher’s Sunrise’ and many other plumerias in his collection.

Now he is honoring Bob Walsh with a cross between Plumeria ‘Jeannie Moragne’ and ‘Kauka Wilder’, named Plumeria ‘Bob Walsh’. He states that his decision is based on Mr. Walsh’s ten-plus years of research of growing plumerias indoors and outdoors in Chicago, temperate growing zone 5, disproving the age-old belief that plumerias could only be grown in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world.

Through Mr. Walsh’s research and success of growing plumerias in zone 5 outdoors  during summer and indoors during the colder months of the year, Bob Fisher points out that these accomplishments have opened up the door to plumeria aficionados and gardeners to grow these beautiful tropical plumeria flowers right in their backyards and indoors year round in their home, no matter where in the world they live.

Plumeria 'Bob Walsh'These new possibilities, like space travel’s age of discovery, were never thought possible before Bob Walsh’s book, How To Grow Plumeria - Frangipani Anytime Anywhere!, which reveals these new frontiers and growing capabilities. 

Mr. Walsh’s step by step book describes the proper Plumeria Care needed for plumeria cuttings, plants and seeds outside the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, and even indoors year round bringing real joy and excitement to plumeria gardeners worldwide.    
The late Bill Moragne’s contributions begin with his discovery of the process of successfully hand-pollinating plumeria flowers.

His other gifts to the plumeria world are the introduction of his famous plumeria hybrids, which he named after the women in the Moragne family, Jean, Mary, Sally, Jeannie, Katie, Cindy, Kimi, Julie, Edi, Cathy and Kelly.

Plumeria ‘Jeannie Moragne’ is described as having vibrant red fading to reddish pink flowers with large golden yellow bands and pinkish orange lines radiating outwards. The petals are narrow with pointed tips and slightly overlapping. The flowers have a heavy texture, are up to 4½” inches in diameter with a strong fruity sweet fragrance and good keeping quality. 

The flowers of Plumeria ‘Kauka Wilder’ have a strong reddish-yellow color with a large bright yellow center and wide moderate red bands on the back. The petals are narrow and elliptical with pointed tips and slightly overlapping.  The flowers are three inches in diameter and have one of the strongest sweet fragrances among plumerias.

Bob Fisher describes the characteristics of Plumeria ‘Bob Walsh’ as a vibrant red colored plumeria that hints at the ‘Moragnes’ and ‘Kauka Wilder’.  It has many 4 petaled flowers with a windmill effect which makes it very unique.  The flowers are about 3 inches in diameter and have a grand floral scent.

Often times when something is named in one’s honor it is done posthumously.  To have this honor bestowed in the midst of one’s historical contributions in real time for something that is considered to be one’s passion, namely, growing plumerias, is truly a very honored moment. 

Copyright © Bob Walsh