
Saturday, July 6, 2013

First Frangipani - Plumeria Care Book In German

After months of very tedious work of translating this book from English to German, Bob Walsh with help from a small circle of close friends completed this project. Bob Walsh very excitedly announces the release of Plumeria - Frangipani Pflegeratgeber Für Alle Klimazonen.

The book gives German speaking plumeria loving gardeners in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other countries throughout Europe and around the world the  opportunity to read and enjoy this popular easy to follow step-by-step plumeria care guide in their mother tongue. 

Germans and Europeans have long been known for their gardening and love of flowers. For centuries gardeners throughout Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other parts of Europe have decorated their homes each year with picturesque window boxes filled with colorful flowers. These pictures fill the pages of travel magazines that offer European tours and travel itineraries.  

Plumeria 'Kauka Wilder'

One of the first world known gardens that became one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World was King Nebuchadnezzar’s Hanging Gardens of Babylon around 600 B.C.  Assyrians, Babylonians and Persians all had good reputations for gardening.  Plants, flowers and gardening ideas made their way into Europe through trade routes and conquests. 

From the ancient Greeks at the time of Alexander the Great and his military campaigns, and later in the Roman Empire beginning as early as 300 – 200 B.C. plants, flowers, and gardens caught the attention of these early Europeans. The gardens near the Spanish Steps in Rome date back to around 100 B.C. The wealthiest of the Roman Empire took great pride in creating the largest and most beautiful gardens in Rome and throughout the Empire.

As the Roman Empire spread over Europe these gardening ideas of plants and flowers went with them. In the Age of Discovery in the 1600s more enthusiasm and excitement for gardening came from the introduction of new plants that were brought back from the New World, the South Pacific and Far East.  

Today’s Age of Discovery from the latter half of the 20th century through the present 21st  century with international air travel has once again made an impact with gardening, plants and flowers throughout Europe. German speaking world travelers from Europe have personally discovered and encountered frangipani, plumeria plants and flowers on their trips to tropical and subtropical regions of the world.  Like many others gardeners in the world, they, too, have fallen in love with them.

Plumeria 'Samoan Fluff'

Bob Walsh’s original book, How to Grow Plumeria - Frangipani Anytime Anywhere!, broke new ground and old stereotypes.  It was the first documented book written by a plumeria gardener who lived and gardened in a temperate growing zone, and not in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, such as Richard and Mary Helen Eggenberger in India, Jim Little on Hawaii and Elizabeth Thornton in Texas, who are well known authors in the plumeria world.

Bob Walsh is now able to explain and discuss in German the many issues of growing frangipani, plumerias, in the temperate zones of the world, such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland and most of Europe in his newest translated book, Plumeria – Frangipani Pflegeratgeber Für Alle Klimazonen. These issues are very different from the issues that plumeria gardeners face who grow these very beautiful plants and flowers in their natural habitat of the tropics.

Now German speaking gardeners can read for themselves, in their mother tongue, this easy to follow step by step frangipani, Plumeria Care guide that breaks the old traditional belief that plumerias cannot be grown outside the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. 

Living in Chicago, growing zone 5, Bob Walsh outlines everything a plumeria gardener needs to be successful in growing frangipani, plumerias in temperate zones around the world from Alaska to Auckland, New Zealand, including Hamburg, Innsbruck and Zurich. 

Bob Walsh’s very informative plumeria care, guide also teaches his European counterparts how to grow frangipani, plumerias indoors and year round breaking the old belief that the plumeria growing season begins in Spring and ends in the Fall every year. Growing frangipani indoors through the coldest months of the year is a great way to avoid the winter blues and extremely exciting to see a newly grown bud opening up into a beautiful plumeria flower in January and February. 

Plumeria – Frangipani Pflegeratgeber Für Alle Klimazonen is easy to read and follow.  Even though the book’s focus is on growing Frangipani, plumerias, the information found in this book can be easily applied to many other plants.

The release of 'Plumeria – Frangipani Pflegeratgeber Für Alle Klimazonen'  coincides with the ongoing 8th Annual International Garden Show Hamburg which opened on April 26, 2013 and runs through October 13, 2013 with their motto, Around the World in 80 Gardens. This “Around the World” theme also reflects the purpose of this plumeria care guide and the sales of the English version which has already gained worldwide attention and is now extended to the German speaking world.  With more and more gardeners finding and falling in love with these tropical plants and flowers this is the exact practical reference guide they want to have in their gardening library whether they speak English or German.

Copyright © Bob Walsh 2013