
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Gardening Tips For These Hot Summer Days

Welcome All Gardeners Worldwide,
It has been a hot summer so far in Chicago
with temperatures forecast to be in the mid
to upper 90s for the entire week.

South and west of Chicago temperatures
are soaring into the 100s.

This hot weather is not only stressful for
humans, but also stressful for your plants.

Your gardening began in spring when you
started planting them from seeds or bought
them as seedlings or plants.

You have nurtured them along with proper
care and have watched them grow.

Then, from one day to the next, your plants
are lost either to heat stress or improper
growing conditions such as letting the soil
dry out during hot weather.

For gardeners, it's extremely frustrating to
helplessly watch the demise of his or her

Just like humans plants get sunburn, or
worse, they just wilt and are lost due to
these extreme hot temperatures.

Epsom Salt, which has been used in
agriculture for many years, is one helpful


Magnesium Sulfate, the ingredient in
Epsom Salt is used to treat Magnesium
deficiency in plants.

Magnesium deficiency is a serious plant
disorder that manifests itself in yellowing
of the leaves, called Chlorosis.

This would be the the first sign for the gardener
to take action to attempt to save his or her plants.
Necrosis, the death of plant tissue, and dropping
of the older leaves occurs if the Magnesium
deficiency is left untreated.

Plants, including tomato plants, will produce
smaller fruits when suffering from Magnesium

It may also help to prevent sunburn and aid in
the development of feeder roots.

To treat your plants with Magnesium
Sulfate dissolve 2 - 3 tbsp. of Epsom
Salt in 16 to 24 ounces of hot water in
a separate container per one gallon
watering can, and let it sit until the
Epsom Salt is completely dissolved.

Add this solution to your watering
can until the water reaches a lukewarm
temperature, and water your plants

It can also be applied as a foliar feeding.
This process will act faster than the root

In this case, add 2 cups of the dissolved
Epsom Salt solution to your spray bottle
and fill the rest until you reach a lukewarm
water temperature.

Adding one or two drops of liquid dish
soap acts as a surfactant which helps the
solution to stick to the leaves.

Make sure to spray BOTH sides of the
leaves until the solution runs off the leaves.

Foliar feeding with Magnesium Sulfate is
best done at sunset when the stomata,
microscopic pores on the leaves, are
opening up allowing for better absorption
of the Magnesium Sulfate.

Important: Never spray the foliage
with anything, including water, while
the sun is shining directly on the plant
as this may cause extensive leaf burn
to the plant.

Finally, I have an announcement to

I added excerpts of my plumeria book,
How To Grow Plumeria - Frangipani
Anytime Anywhere!, to my website at

Instructional Plumeria Book

These excerpts give you a sneak preview
into this step-by-step, instructional and
illustrated plumeria book.

'Til next time.................Happy Growing,

Bob Walsh

PS: Remember that plants in pots dry
out faster than plants in the ground
during these hot summer temperatures.

Stressed plants, including plumerias,
are more prone to insect and disease
problems in their weakened states.

helps to reduce stress situations for
your plants and avoid these types
of problems.