
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Plumeria Plants Budding and Flowering in Fairbanks, Alaska

Welcome All Gardeners Worldwide,

On March 1, 2012 I received an email from Ms. Micheline Patterson from Fairbanks, Alaska, thanking me for my “wonderful” plumeria book, How To Grow Plumeria - Frangipani Anytime Anywhere!, which she had purchased. 

Ms. Patterson informed me that she is in the process of rooting some plumeria cuttings which she bought while vacationing on Hawaii.

Yesterday, June 4, 2012, three months later, I received a follow-up email from Ms. Patterson showing her success in flowering and growing plumerias in Alaska. 

With her permission I present to you Plumerias from Fairbanks, Alaska.

Flowering plumeria in Fairbanks, Alaska.
Plumeria flowers in Fairbanks, Alaska

Budding plumeria plant in Fairbanks, Alaska
Budding plumeria plant in Fairbanks, Alaska

Please note that the plumeria plant in the second picture is developing inflorescences, flower stalks, on BOTH branches.

Both pictures are proof that plumerias can be grown as far north as Alaska if proven and tested guidelines are followed.

Copyright © Bob Walsh

Step-by-step plumeria how to guide
Plumeria Plant Care