
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Plumeria Book, How To Grow Plumeria – Frangipani Anytime Anywhere, Available In Paperback

Step-by-step illustrated plumeria book, How To Grow Plumeria – Frangipani Anytime Anywhere, is now available in paperback.

This plumeria book teaches you....

  • What to look for when purchasing plumeria cuttings and plumeria plants.
  • What is the best potting mix when planting plumeria cuttings.
  • What tools you need to have ready when planting your plumeria cuttings.
  • What is the best potting mix when planting plumeria seeds.
  • How to plant plumeria seeds to expect a high germination rate.
  • How to fertilize plumeria seedlings after they germinated to promote sturdy and fast growth.
  • How to grow and flower plumeria plants inside during a winter blizzard.
  • What are the best grow lights for plumerias to produce flowers.
  • What is the LATEST ROOTING METHOD for plumeria cuttings.
  • Which fertilizer to use for BEST stem growth, budding and flowering.
  • Why foliar feeding is so important for your plumeria plants.
  • What ingredients to use in your foliar feeding solution.
  • What plants make great companion for plumerias.
  • And much more.... 
This plumeria book guides you from the moment your plumeria cutting or rooted plumeria plant arrives at your doorsteps to enjoying their colorful, fragrant flowers in full bloom.

Each step in this plumeria care guide is explained to you in full detail and accompanied by pictures.

This plumeria book is so current that it even provides plumeria and tropical plant gardeners with the newest  revolutionary rooting method which cuts rooting time for plumerias and other tropical plants significantly.

Cutting of Plumeria 'Lemon Drop' - 47 days after being planted

Copyright © Bob Walsh 2011