
Monday, November 21, 2011

Facts & History of Poinsettia Plants – Euphorbia pulcherrima

Euphorbia pulcherrima, the botanical name, or poinsettia as we call it, is native to Mexico and Guatemala in Central America. Poinsettias are part of the Euphorbiaceae family.  Many plants in this family ooze a milky sap.    The botanical name, Euphorbia pulcherrima, was given to the poinsettia by German botanist, Karl Ludwig Wilenow. The plant grew through a crack in his greenhouse. Dazzled by its color, he gave it the botanical name Euphorbia pulcherrima, meaning “very beautiful”. 

The History of the Poinsettia in its native Habitat

The Aztecs in the fourteenth through sixteenth centuries called this plant “Cuetlaxochitl” in their native Nahuatl language.  Cuitllatl means “residue” and xochiti means flower, thus it is “the flower that grows in the residues or soil”.  Montezuma, the last of the Aztec kings, had poinsettia plants brought up to what is present day Mexico City by caravans. The Aztecs saw the plant as a symbol of purity and used it as a dye and against fevers.

Seventeenth century Spanish botanist Don Juan Balme mentions poinsettia plants in his writings. He found the plant flourishing on the slopes and in the valleys near Cuernavaca.  He described the plant as having large green leaves and a small flower surrounded by brilliant red bracts, almost as if for protection.

At the same time the Spanish Franciscan Friars, who settled in the Taxco region of southern Mexico, included the timely winter grown red blooms of the plants in their Fiesta de Pesebre, the Nativity procession.  The star-shaped leaf pattern is said to symbolize the Star of Bethlehem and was named “Noche Buena” meaning Christmas Eve. The name “poinsettia” is derived from Joel Roberts Poinsett who was the first United States Minister to Mexico from 1825 to 1829. Mr. Poinsett first brought poinsettia plants to America.

Poinsettias are fascinating winter blooming small shrubs or trees which can grow anywhere from about two to sixteen feet tall. Dark green leaves which are about three to six inches in length add to the festive appearance of this plant.

The colored bracts of poinsettia plants are actually leaves. Colors of the bracts can be red, pink, orange, white, or marbled. These colored bracts are caused by photoperiodism. Many flowering plants use a photoreceptor protein, such as phytochrome or cryptochrome, to sense changes between daylight and the darkness of night or photoperiod, which they take as signals to flower. 

People not familiar with poinsettia plants believe that the colored bracts are the actual flowers. But the flowers, called cyathia, are located at the center of each leaf bunch.

Poinsettia plants are considered toxic by many. But this is not the case. They may cause mild skin irritations to some individuals who are sensitive to it.  If any part of the plant is ingested, it may cause an upset stomach, diarrhea and vomiting. In addition, the sap that exudes from a broken branch may cause temporary blindness if it comes in contact with the eyes.

History of the Poinsettia Arrival in the Unites States and its Name

The poinsettia was introduced to the United States by Mr. Poinsett in 1828. He had sent and brought cuttings from Mexico to his greenhouses in Greenville, South Carolina.  He shared these cuttings with friends and other horticulturalists he knew at the time.

Euphorbia pulcherrima, the name originally given by German botanist Karl Ludwig Wilenow was changed to Poinsettia in honor of Mr. Poinsett in 1836 by William Prescott, the historian and horticulturalist, who was asked to rename the plant.  In his newly published historical work at the time on Mexico, Conquest of Mexico, Mr. Prescott details Mr. Poinsett’s discovery of this beautiful plant in the area of Taxco del Alarcon in southern Mexico.

During the 1920s Albert Ecke and his son Paul became interested in poinsettia plants which grew wild in southern California at this time. As these plants bloomed during the Holiday season both Albert and Paul thought that this would be a perfect plant to introduce to the public. Paul continued to foster the idea of making the poinsettia the “official holiday flower” for Christmas. They grew fields of poinsettia plants and began to sell them commercially. The plants were initially sold at roadside stands in the Hollywood and Beverly Hills area.

In 1923 the family moved their business to Encinitas, about 2 hours south of the very fast developing area around Los Angeles. Encinitas proved to be the perfect location for growing poinsettias as it mirrored the growing conditions of its native Mexico where these plants grow wild. 

From 1923 to the mid-1960s they grew fields of poinsettia mother plants, and shipped them to plant nurseries around the country that purchased them for cultivation and future commercial sales. Paul personally traveled the country promoting the plant to nurseries nationwide and encouraged nursery owners to market the plant as a holiday flower.

But this changed in 1963 when the first commercial-quality poinsettia cultivar was developed. It grew best as a potted plant and was introduced to the public. This dramatically changed the nature of commercially growing and selling poinsettia plants. Even for the Ecke Family Business, they moved indoors from the fields to growing these smaller plants in greenhouses.  They began shipping by air freight rather than by rail.

Paul Jr. with his marketing ideas to always keep the poinsettia plant in the public eye used the very popular growing medium of television to promote these bright red and later red and white potted flowering plants.  They became a part of the scenery in most every popular TV show and all the Christmas Specials during the holiday season.  No holiday scene would be complete without at least one blooming poinsettia plant. 

Today Dr. Ruth Kobayashi continues to produce new poinsettia hybrids for the Ecke family. Dr. Kobayashi’s work resulted in the knowledge of the most important poinsettia genetics known today. In 2002 ‘Prestige Red’ was introduced known for its outstanding branching capabilities and very sturdy stems. ‘Prestige Red’ quickly became the number one selling red poinsettia. Presently experiments continue to breed other species with the Euphorbia genus. Currently there are more than 100 varieties of poinsettias available.

Here are some of the cultivar names exhibiting some of the most spectacular poinsettia colors available today....Cortez Red, Cranberry Punch, Flirt, Galaxy Red, Marblestar, Nutcracker Pink, Monet, Plum Pudding, Silverstar White, Sonora Fire, Victory Red, White Christmas, Spotlight Apricot, and Pearl

In addition many commercial growers have cultivated new plants which have longer lasting bract colors and lasting foliage that can survive poor watering schedules. Poinsettia growers have characteristically made today’s plants bruise resistant and more flexible with less fragile bracts that can survive shipping without dropping their leaves that allows them to arrive beautifully intact to the stores and nurseries for retail sales.

Next, for your FREE Tropical Plant Guide, Grow Your Own Tropical Garden, visit Free Tropical Plant Guide.

Copyright @ Bob Walsh

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Gardenia Plant Care

Welcome All Plumeria and Tropical Plant Lovers Worldwide,

Today's topic is Gardenia Plant Care.

Gardenia is a genus of tropical flowering plants which
includes 142 species belonging to the Rubiaceae or coffee family.

It is native to subtropical and tropical regions in Africa and
Southern Asia. Several known species grow on the Hawaiian
Islands where it is known as Na'u or Nanu.

Gardenia plants are evergreen shrubs. The flowers, white or yellow,
develop into a single blossom or into a group of blossoms and have
a strong, long lasting scent.

Gardenia 'Diamond's Fragrant Delight' 

Popular species include....
  • Gardenia coronata
  • Gardenia jasminoides
  • Gardenia nitida
  • Gardenia taitensis

In China, Gardenia jasminoides is called Zhi zi, and the Japanese
call it Kuchinashi. In both countries the yellow flowers are used as
a dye for clothes and food.

Gardenia taitensis is the National Flower of Tahiti.

Several decades ago in France, gardenia flowers were used by men 
as boutonnieres for special occasions. Today gardenia flowers continue
to cater to special occasions of weddings and proms.

Jazz singer Billie Holiday called gardenia flowers her trademark. 
She wore the flowers in her hair.

Gardenias can also be part of special floral presentations such as
floating water blooms.

Gardenia flowers with their delightful scent are also used to make

Caring for gardenia plants....

When purchasing gardenia plants it is better to start with small
developing plants than buying plants full of buds. Gardenia plants
will need time to adjust to the new environment of your home.

It's hear-breaking to purchase a plant full of buds just to watch the
plant drop bud after bud once you bring it home.

The smaller developing plants adjust easier to their new environment,
and once adjusted will continue the development of their buds and

Gardenia plants prefer partial sun and grow and flower very well under
grow lights

Gardenias are considered subtropical and tropical plants and therefore
prefer night temperatures not lower than 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit 
or 15 to 18 degrees Celsius.

Gardenia coronata

Many gardenia plants are prone to root diseases. Growing them in clay
pots can reduce the risk as the soil dries out faster in clay pots.

It's best to water gardenia plants when the surface of the soil looks and
feels dry. When watering it's important to water gardenias thoroughly until
water drips through the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.

Make sure there is no water left in the plant saucer after the drainage 
process is complete.

Gardenia plants prefer acidic soil meaning the soil ph is less than 7.
If the soil is not acid enough, many nutrients, including iron, cannot be 
absorbed by the roots and gardenia plants develop Chlorosis which
causes the leaves to turn yellow.

Some gardeners pour a small amount of vinegar at the top of the soil
to prevent or treat mild cases of Chlorosis.

It is not recommended to use "hard" tap water on your gardenias.
If your tap water is very hard, adding some vinegar to the water in your
watering can also lower the ph level of your tap water.

When it comes to fertilizing your gardenias, any fertilizer for flowering 
plants can be used. It is best to use the fertilizer at 1/4 strength of the
recommended dosage.

Using a fertilizer designed for acid loving plants reduces the risk for

Humidity should be 50% or higher. If your humidity is low, misting the
plants daily or using a humidifier benefits your gardenias greatly.

Using a humidifier, especially during the colder months of the year, not
only benefits your plants, but your family and pets as well.

Happy Growing,

Bob Walsh

Friday, August 12, 2011

Colorful Tropical Foliage Plants - Croton Plants & Caladium Plants

Codiaeum variegatum, also called “Garden Croton” or “Variegated Croton”, is a species of plants in the genus Codiaeum, a member of the Euphorbiaceae family.

These colorful tropical foliage plants look great when grown in pots and grouped together with other tropical plants, including dwarf bananas, bromeliads, gingers, gardenias, small heliconias, hibiscus, jasmine, orchids and/or plumeria plants.

Croton plants are known for their colorful foliage which has a waxy texture with vertical growth and leaves facing outwards. The more sun or bright light Croton plants receive, the more colorful their foliage becomes.

Crotons need to be watered well with the soil remaining moist. They prefer to be grown in high humidity and benefit from daily misting when the humidity is low.

When fertilizing Croton plants any fertilizer high in Nitrogen, like 9-3-6 is recommended.
Crotons belong to the family of Euphorbiaceae and are therefore considered poisonous. The sap may cause skin eczema and is also toxic if ingested.

Popular varieties of these colorful tropical foliage plants include Codiaeum variegatum ‘Gold Moon’, Codiaeum variegatum ‘Gold Sun’, Codiaeum variegatum ‘Goldfinger’, Codiaeum variegatum ‘Grubell’, Codiaeum variegatum ‘Petra’ and Codiaeum variegatum ‘Excellent’.

Croton plants, when grown outdoors, have to be protected or brought indoors if the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit or 10 degrees Celsius. Otherwise leaf drop may occur.

Another great group of colorful tropical foliage plants are Caladium plants which is one genus of plants in the Araceae family.

Currently there exist over 1000 cultivars of Caladium bicolor which is considered the original Caladium from South America.

Caladium plants have been cultivated in Europe since the eighteenth century.

Popular varieties of these colorful tropical foliage plants include Candidum White, Cardinal Red, Carolyn Wharton Pink, Fannie Munson Pink, Frieda Hemple Red, Postman Joyner Red, Roselight Pink, White Queen and Rojo Red, to name a few.

Croton and Caladium plants can be grown outdoors during the warmer months of the year and indoors as house plants the rest of the year.

Caladium plants are only hardy in zone 9 and 10. In colder regions they have to be dug up in fall. They also make great house plants year round.

While actively growing Caladium plants need a great deal of moisture and should not be allowed to dry out.

As with Croton plants it’s best to use a fertilizer high in Nitrogen, like 9-3-6 and mist their foliage daily if the humidity is low.

All parts of Caladium plants are considered poisonous and may cause skin irritations in sensitive individuals.

I hope you’re already enjoying your Croton and Caladium plants. If not, give them a try and brighten up your plant stand indoors or add that needed color to your outdoor garden.

Next, for your FREE Tropical Plant Guide, Grow Your Own Tropical Garden, visit Plumeria Care.

Copyright © Bob Walsh 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Plumeria Frangipani Pflege--- Wie Sie Plumeria Stecklinge Bewurzeln

Einer der schnellsten Wege, um Plumeria und Frangipani Blüten zu genießen, ist Plumeria Stecklinge zu setzen. Es kann nicht genug betont werden Plumeria Stecklinge nur bei seriösen Händlern zu kaufen, sodaß Sie Plumeria Stecklinge von guter Qualität erhalten. Die Preise variieren und höhere Preise bedeuten nicht immer bessere Qualität. Aber Sie müssen sich bewußt sein, daß bekannte und seltene Plumeria Hybriden mehr kosten.

Einer der großen Vorteile Plumeria Pflanzen von Stecklingen zu ziehen ist, daß der Käufer in der Lage ist, bestimmte Plumeria Hybriden zu wählen. Der Käufer kann aus verschiedenen Blütenfarben, Wuchsformen, Düften und anderen Eigenschaften wählen. 

Steckling mit guter Wurzelentwicklung

Stecklinge sollten mindestens 30 cm lang sein und die Rinde sollte braun und nicht grün sein. Stecklinge mit grünem Holz sind sehr schwer zu bewurzeln.

Bestimmte Hybriden, wie Plumeria obtusa und Plumerias mit roten Blüten, sind nicht leicht zu bewurzeln und es kann länger dauern bis sich das Wurzelsystem voll entwickelt hat.
Besprechen Sie mit Ihrem Plumeria Händler wie Ihre Plumeria Stecklinge versand werden. Dies sollte Ihnen garantieren, daß Ihre Plumeria Stecklinge in einem guten Zustand bei Ihnen eintreffen, besonders während der kälteren Monate. 

Während Sie auf die Ankunft Ihrer Plumeria Stecklinge warten, sollten Sie sich überzeugen, daß Sie alles bereithaben, um Ihre Stecklinge zu setzen.

Vor dem Einpflanzen der Stecklinge empfiehlt es sich die notwendigen Dinge zum Setzen bereit zu haben, einschließlich dem Topf, Bewurzelungshormon mit Fungizid, Pflanzenstab, Schnüre um den Steckling an den Stab zu binden und vorgemischte Blumenerde.

Der Topf sollte der Größe des Plumeria Stecklings angepaßt werden. Er sollte groß genug sein, sodaß der Steckling stabil ist und die Wurzeln genug Platz haben sich auszubreiten.
Die Blumenerde muss vorgemischt werden, sodaß das Wasser gut abfließt. Staunässe muß unbedingt vermieden werden. Sollte die Blumenerde zuviel Wasser halten, kann der Steckling absterben.

Steckling bildet Blätter

Nachdem der Topf mit der vorgemischten Blumenerde gefüllt wurde, gießen Sie die Erde bis das Wasser durch die Löcher abläuft. Sie müssen sicher sein, daß kein extra Wasser im Topf verbleibt.

Plumeria Stecklinge bilden ihre Wurzeln nur am Ende wo der Steckling geschnitten wurde. Es macht keinen Unterschied wie tief Sie den Steckling setzen. Wenn Sie den Plumeria Steckling zu tief setzen, kann es passieren, daß der Steckling unter der Erde verfault. Der Pflanzenstab kann jetzt bereits in der Mitte des Topfes platziert werden.

Der nächste Schritt ist das Ende des Stecklings mit lauwarmen Wasser zu befeuchten. Schütteln Sie das überschüssige Wasser ab, tauchen Sie das feuchte Ende in das Bewurzelungshormon und setzen Sie den Steckling ungefähr 3 cm tief. Jetzt binden Sie den Plumeria Steckling an den Pflanzenstab. Dies gibt Ihrem Steckling die notwendige Stabilität im Topf.

Der erste Schritt im Bewurzelungsprozess ist die Entwicklung von Kallusgewebe. Die Wurzeln bilden sich durch dieses Kallusgewebe. Es ist sehr wichtig, daß Sie Ihren Steckling nicht gießen bis sich die Blätter und/oder der Blütenstand entwickelt hat.

Plumeria Stecklinge haben eine so starke Lebenskraft, daß sie Blätter und Blütenstände entwickeln können und noch nicht einmal angefangen haben Wurzeln zu entwickeln. Man kann herausfinden, ob sich Wurzeln gebildet haben, indem man dem Steckling einen sehr leichten Ruck gibt. Widerstand zeigt eine Wurzelentwicklung an.

Plumeria Steckling mit Blütenstand

Anstatt zu gießen, sollte der Steckling täglich mit Wasser bestäubt werden.
Plumeria Stecklinge können innerhalb weniger Wochen Wurzeln entwickeln oder es kann mehrere Monate dauern. Dies hängt davon ab, welche Plumeria Hybride der Steckling ist. 

Eine bewährte und getestete Plumeria Pflegeanleitung anzuwenden ist die beste Versicherung für Ihren Erfolg in der Bewurzelung von Plumeria und  Frangipani Stecklingen. Auch bei solchen Stecklingen, die sehr schwierig zu bewurzeln sind.

Für mehr Information über Plumerias, Frangipani besuchen Sie biite Plumeria - Frangipani Pflegeanleitung Für Alle Klimazonen.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Growing Plumeria Cuttings And Plumeria Plants With The Egg Method

Plumeria cuttings which are planted using the egg method correctly develop a massive root system in record time. It is no longer necessary to sacrifice any inflorescences that develop during the rooting process. Inflorescences and roots develop simultaneously.
Plumeria plants which are planted applying the egg method correctly show lush growth and massive flower production. The keeping quality of the flowers increases as well which means the flowers stay fresh longer.

But what exactly is the egg method which has been used in agriculture for many years to increase the production of vegetables?

The egg method which is based on anaerobically fermenting eggs and probiotics not only benefits plumeria cuttings and plumeria plants but many other tropical plants as well, including bananas, gingers, heliconias, hibiscus and many more.

The egg itself is one powerhouse of nutrients.

The egg shell which has about 9000 pores serves as a permeable membrane for nutrients and moisture. 95% of the egg shell is made up of calcium carbonate. Minerals, such as calcium phosphate and magnesium carbonate make up the remaining 5%.

The albumen is made up of 90% water and seven major proteins as stated by the Department of Agriculture’s National Nutrient Database. The albumen in fresh eggs contains carbon dioxide which passes through the egg shell as the egg ages. 50 mg of Sulfur are contained in the albumen. 

The following picture shows the root development of one cutting of Plumeria 'Puu Kahea' 39 days after the unrooted cutting was planted applying the egg method.

Root development of one cutting of Plumeria 'Puu Kahea' 39 days after the unrooted cutting was planted using the egg method.

All vitamins found in an egg are contained in the egg yolk, including several B-vitamins as well as vitamin A, D, and E. The egg yolk also contains many antioxidants and trace amounts of Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus and other metals. In addition, the egg yolk contains about 25 mg of Sulfur.

According to Biofeed Probiotics ‘plant stimulants, plant hormones, are produced during the metabolism of some bacteria, yeasts, molds, and cyanobacteria’, also known as blue-green algae and blue-green bacteria. 

These plant stimulants, plant hormones, include auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, florigen and salicylic acid.

Auxins are named for the greek word “auxein” meaning to grow or to increase. Auxins were the first of the major plant hormones to be discovered. How auxins are distributed within plants is one major factor for plant growth. The distribution of auxins throughout plants is accomplished by the well executed transport of auxin molecules. Auxins usually work with or against other plant hormones that is most advantageous for the plant.

Gibberellins were first discovered by Eiichi Kurosawa, a Japanese scientist, in 1926. Gibberellins stimulate budding, cell elongation, dormancy, flowering and seed germination.

Cytokinins promote cell division in plant roots and shoots. This process is called “cytokinesis”. The effects of cytokinins were first discovered by Swedish born plant physiologist Folke Skoog at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Cytokinins are involved in many plant processes, including cell division, root and shoot development. Cytokinins are known to regulate axillary bud growth, lateral or side shoots. In addition, cytokinins also affect apical dominance which is the inhibition of growth of lateral buds, side shoots, by the terminal bud of a plant shoot. 
Cytokinins are usually produced in roots, young fruits and seeds. The balance of cytokinins and auxins determines what regenerates.

Florigen was first described in 1937 by Mikhail Chailakhyan, a Russian scientist. Florigen molecules, produced in the leaves, are responsible for controlling flowering in plants.

Salicylic acid, which is used for rooting, derives its name from the Latin word “salix” meaning “willow tree”. Salicylic acid plays part in plants’ photosynthesis, transpiration and resistance to pathogens which are bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms that can cause diseases.

All these processes are important to understand how plumeria and tropical plants develop.
An exact scientific defined process of the egg method, when correctly applied, is not clearly written in a scientific formula anywhere. But the phenomenal results speak for themselves.

For more information on the Success of the Egg Method, growing Plumeria Plants, or to receive your FREE Tropical Plant Guide, Grow Your Own Tropical Garden, visit Plumeria Care

Copyright @ Bob Walsh


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Plumeria 'Kimo'

The flowers of Plumeria ‘Kimo’ are a glowing mix of apricot and orange with pink bands on the back. The petals overlap so heavily that they almost form a circle. Plumeria ‘Kimo’ is considered a chameleon as the appearance of the flowers changes with weather conditions. The flowers, which have a sweet fragrance, are close to 3 inches (7.5 cm) in diameter and have a very good keeping quality. Plumeria ‘Kimo’ is known for its heavy flower production over a long period of time.

Plumeria 'Kimo'
For more information on plumerias and your FREE tropical plant guide, Grow Your Own Tropical Garden, visit Plumeria Care

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pros & Cons Of Starting Plumeria Plants From Seeds

Welcome All Plumeria and Tropical Plant Lovers Worldwide,
After several cloudy days the sun is finally shining in Chicago
again as the following picture of my happy Plumeria 'Samoan
Fluff' shows.

Plumeria 'Samoan Fluff'
Starting plumeria plants from seeds is a fun and rather
inexpensive way to increase your plumeria collection.
But what are the advantages and disadvantages of starting
plumeria plants from seeds?
New plumeria cultivars can only be created by starting them
from seeds. If you plant seeds of parents with superior
qualities, you may raise some superior new cultivars.
When you order seeds from a reputable nursery or retailer,
you usually will be given a list of named seeds under the name 
of the mother plant. If ordering a mixed package of plumeria 
seeds, it will usually not list the names of the mother plants.
(unidentified or "unnamed").
The price for the seeds varies based on the named or mixed
(unidentified or "unnamed") varieties of plumerias. I have seen
packages for sale for as low as 99 cents for 10 mixed seeds. 
Note that shipping and handling is always an additional charge,
which varies widely.
You can start a large number of seeds (10 - 15) in a small space
with good spacing between each planted seed  In my plumeria
pages 87 and 88, I explain in detail how to plant the seeds.
This is a way to start your plumeria garden at a relatively
low cost depending on the parent plants of the seeds.
Depending on the origin of the seeds (known or unknown)
fresh plumeria seeds germinate in a short time (5-7 days)
or a longer period of time (10-14 days). Plumeria seeds, much
like plumeria plants, have their own unique characteristics and 
growth patterns. 
Once the first pair of true leaves has developed, it can now 
be called a "Seedling".  Plumeria seedlings show wide
variations in flower color, size, growth habit and fragrances.
It may take anywhere from two to four years or longer to
see any flowers. In rare occasions blooms can appear in
a much shorter period of time. I know of one gentlemen
in Great Britain whose plumeria seedling flowered in less
than one year and of one lady in Thailand whose seedling
flowered six months after the seeds were planted.
On the other end of the time line there are reports of
seedlings taking almost twenty years to flower. But this
is very rare. Personally, I had one seedling, pictured 
below, which flowered seven months after the seeds
were planted.
From seed to flower in seven months
Seedlings may produce flowers as big as small plates or
as small as finger nails.
Seedling's growth may be as thin as a pencil.
Seedlings may grow so tall before showing their first
flowers that you need a step ladder to see and smell the

Plumeria flowers are known for their exquisite fragrances.
But in very rare cases, a couple of seedlings have been 
reported to smell like spoiled meat.
ONLY a few seedlings may be worth keeping from a group
of 100 seeds planted.
Reasons for poor results can be traced back to improper
growing conditions. For proper growing conditions
refer to pages 87 - 91 in
In conclusion, I would like to share with you two of several 
plumerias that are blooming currently in Chicago, zone 5.
Like all my plumerias and other tropical plants they were 
planted using the Egg Method.
Plumeria 'Kimo'
Plumeria 'Mimi's Home Pride'
Happy Growing my Gardening Friends,
Bob Walsh
Bob Walsh