
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Plumeria Plants – Part I – Terms and Definitions for Plumerias & other Tropical Plants – “A” Through “I”

Plumeria plants are gaining more and more popularity worldwide as more information about growing and rooting methods become available. For the average gardener it is important to understand the lingo he/she encounters when reading about tropical plants, plumeria plants in particular.

Plumeria 'Charlotte Ebert'

This is part one of a multiple part series of terms for plumeria gardeners. The list of terms is in alphabetical order and can easily be filed for future reference. This reference series is very helpful when communicating with other knowledgeable plant lovers and gardeners . By using the same terms describing issues about plumerias moves the discussion along since these terms have you speaking the same language.

Following are the terms that are helpful knowing when reading about plumeria plants, and tropical plants in general.

Anther is the male reproductive part of flowers. This is actual the part which contains the pollen.

Anthesis describes the time and the process of budding, including the opening of flowers. One synonym for Anthesis is blossoming.

Apical bud is the terminal bud which develops at the tip of the branches.

Axis is described as the angle between the upper surface of the leaf and the stem to which it is attached.

Buds are small bulges, knobs, or swellings on stems or branches. These buds contain an undeveloped flower, leaf, or shoot. This general term covers all the multiple type buds, not just the 'flower bud'.

Bud drop is the premature dropping of the flower buds before they had a chance to fully open.

Callus is the thickened tissue which is developed by woody plants to cover cuts.

Cambium can be described as a ring of tissue which is found in woody seed plants. Cork is produced on the outside of the ring and primary tissue on the inside. This primary tissue is composed of thin-walled cells.

Chimera is a genetic mutation in plants. It can cause part of the plant or all of the plant to have a different appearance when compared to the original plant.

Chlorophyl is the green pigment of plants which traps the energy of the sun for photosynthesis.

Cork is described as the outer layer of the bark.

Corolla is the term used to describe all petals of one flower.

Cortex is the outer portion of stems and roots.

Cotyledons are the first emerging leaves of seedlings. Cotyledons are not considered “true” leaves. They provide the seedlings with nourishments until the true leaves have developed.

Damping off is the premature demise of seedlings which is many times caused by overcrowding and overwatering of seedlings.

Deciduous plants are plants which lose their leaves during a specific season.

Evergreen plants are plants which maintain their foliage throughout the year.

Floral envelope describes all sepals and petals of one flower.

Floret is an individual flower in a flower cluster.

Floriferous is the term used for plants which flower abundantly.

Flowers are reproductive structures of some seed bearing plants.

Fungus is a collective term for a wide variety of organisms which reproduce by spores.

Fungicide is described as any toxin which kills or prevents the growth of fungi. Note: fungi is plural for fungus.

Hermaphrodite is any bisexual plant which means that the flower contains both stamens and pistils.

Indigenous plants are plants which grow naturally in a particular region.

Inflorescence is the term used to describe a flower cluster or a characteristic arrangement of flowers on a stem.

Insecticide is any chemical substance which is used to kill insects.

Part One covers letters “A” through “I”. Part Two of this Plant Terms Series will begin with the letter “J”. Stay tuned for Part Two with the remaining alphabetical listings of terms and definitions from the world of plumeria plants and tropical plants in general.

For more information on plumerias and for your FREE tropical plant guide, Grow Your Own Tropical Garden, visit Plumeria Plant Care.

Plumeria obtusa 'Singapore'

Copyright © Bob Walsh 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Stephanotis floribunda Flowers

Stephanotis floribunda is also called Madagascar Jasmine, Waxflower and Hawaiian Wedding Flower. It is a flowering climbing plant producing flowers which are commonly used in bridal bouquets.
Stephanotis floribunda

Stephanotis flowers are waxy, star-shaped and highly scented. Flowers fade to yellow after several days. The flowers last a long time and have a strong sweet scent.

Stephanotis floribunda grows best in sunny locations. Make sure the soil is well draining and let the top of the soil come to a visible dryness before watering again. Regular fertilizing with a fertilizer high in Phosphorus promotes flowering. It also appreciates regular misting and foliar feeding.

Propagation is by cuttings or seeds, which are produced irregularly. Fresh seeds will germinate in about seven days.
Stephanotis floribunda, like other tropical plants, including plumerias, can be grown successfully  if proven and tested guidelines are followed.
Next, for your FREE tropical plants guide, Grow Your Own Tropical Garden, visit Tropical Plants

Copyright © Bob Walsh 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Vireya - Tropical Rhododendron

Vireya is also called Tropical Rhododendron.


These are semi-tropical rhododendrons that are mainly
native to the mountains of Indonesia, Malaysia, Borneo
and Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines.

In their native habitat tropical rhododendron can be found
growing either as epiphytes or terrestrials.

Vireya come in a variety of shapes and sizes ranging
from dwarf size to shrubs and trees of all sizes.

Some tropical rhododendrons have  foliage as thin as pine
needles while others have leaves that can grow a foot long. 

Their flowers are often fragrant, and are the most colorful
of all rhododendrons. The most common colors include
orange, pink, red and yellow.


When planting Vireya, like many tropical plants,
rapid drainage is of utmost importance. Their roots
run close to the surface and can easily heat up
from the sun. Providing Vireya with good mulch
covering keeps the roots cool.

Vireya like bright light, but not direct sunlight, which
promotes buds set. Planted in shady areas will help
keep their colors bright.  They should be protected
from hot midday sun to prevent the burning of
foliage and buds. 

Pinching new growth results in more branching.
Regular deadheading of the seedpods is recommended
to direct the plant's energy to bud production.


When you decide to plant your tropical rhododendron
in a pot, smaller is better as Vireya actually perform 
better when roots are pot bound.

Use a fertilizer which is designed for plants that
prefer acidic soil which results in healthy foliage
and bud production. 

Like other tropical and semi-tropical plants Vireya
can bring you years of enjoyment when you follow
Copyright © Bob Walsh 2011